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Woman in wheelchair - CourseAvenue eLearning and Accessibility Platform

Need help creating accessible e-learning, converting courses, or reviewing material for accessibility?  
Solve your accessibility challenges with our all-star services and support team.

Where do you start?  What is your current state? What is your desired state?

We can help you get from here to there...

Woman smiling at desk - CourseAvenue eLearning and Accessibility Platform

Not sure what you need to achieve your goals? Our e-Learning experts can assess your current resources and capabilities and develop an e-Learning action plan tailored to your needs.

A CourseAvenue Needs Assessment helps organizations of all sizes:

  • Assess their training needs

  • Define program objectives and goals, and

  • Determine optimum solutions.


The overall goal of CourseAvenue's Needs Assessment is to review the current state of your training program, identify current and future requirements, and offer recommendations that will allow your company to meet your training objectives.

By leveraging our extensive background in this market, we'll give you a jump start on the process and reduce your overall risk in implementing a successful training program for your company.

e-Learning Planning

Strategic e-Learning planning answers the question: "What should we do?" It is the process of defining a direction and allocating resources—including capital and people—to pursue an e-Learning objective.


  • Optimize your corporate training efforts and resources

  • Match and align learning technology with strategic initiatives and business goals

  • Uncover additional audiences, revenue streams, and distribution channels

  • Define options for a blended learning approach

At the conclusion of a CourseAvenue engagement, you will have a clear understanding of how choosing the most appropriate technology and implementing proper processes can ensure that your training program goals are met.

Man in wheelchair background - CourseAvenue eLearning and Accessibility Platform

Learn how:

  • Accessibility is built into every course.

  • Courses are easy to manage, edit, and update right out of the box.

  • No more guessing.

  • No more expensive remediation.

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Author, manage, track, and deliver accessible eLearning at scale. Schedule a demo today.

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