CourseAvenue Studio©
CourseAvenue Studio is a unique e-Learning authoring platform for developing online training. Studio was built with both beginners and experts in mind - all on a multi-user, web-based platform.
Courses can be built from start to finish by anyone who has ever created a presentation. Do you want to start with a presentation? Well using the PowerPoint import utility you can do just that.
Expert developers appreciate the full array of options available for building advanced e-Learning courses ranging from Javascript API integration to a widget development toolkit to extend the platform to your hearts content.
Have your entire team work together and when done, deploy your education to any LMS (our use CourseAvenue Deliver), to be accessed by any device.
Contact us to learn more!
Quick Start
Want a quick way to turn a presentation into an accessible, self-paced eLearning course?
Start with a standard presentation...
During the import process, Studio will breakdown the presentation into its individual elements (text, graphics, audio, speaker notes, etc. ).
Content will then be stored your the Studio account and media library.
Edit as you see fit right from your browser
Add instructional design elements
Drag and drop new media, edit, update text, etc.
Add knowledge checks, formal assessments and/or surveys
Move to a "team" and work with anyone on you want
Preview and Publish
Allow "reviewers" to preview the course before publish.
Preview from any device from a cell phone to a smart TV to your desktop computer
Publish for AICC/SCORM 1.2, 2004, "simple web" and/or CD/DVD
Why work alone?
Studio enables team based development
Instructional Designer
"I storyboard directly in CourseAvenue Studio saving an enormous amount of time..."
eLearning Developer
"Studio lets me focus on the content rather than trying to turn me into a programmer."
Project Manager
"Leading a CourseAvenue Studio project ensures everyone is on the same page. Literally. We are all looking at the same course at the same time."
Deploy Anywhere
Any device:
One course that supports:
Tablet (iOS or Android)
Phone (iOS or Android)
Multiple Browsers
With "cross-device bookmarking"
Start the course on your desktop then resume on your table or phone.
LMS, Simple Web, DVD, For a fee?
How do you want to deliver your course?
Through a Learning Management Systems ("LMS") ?
Track learner completion progress, enable bookmarking, and course completion/scoring via AICC/SCCORM (1.2/2004)
Need to track learners but don't have an LMS?
Check out CourseAvenue Deliver​
As a simple web (no tracking) module on a website?
Publish for "simple web"​​
Need to "hand deliver" your learning?
Deploy for CD/DVD delivery
Want to charge learners for access to your courses?​
Contact us to learn about how you can easily sell "Access Codes" ​to generate revenue.